Just like heaven
Show me how you do that trick „The one that makes me scream” she said „The one that makes me laugh” she said And threw her arms around my neck Show me how you do it And I promise you I promise that I’ll run away with you I’ll run away with you
Audrey’s Prayer
Secret Agent, are you there? I think I am a little bit over my head.
Tortura tăcerii (I) | The Torture of Silence (I)
“Silence does not suffocate. Listen to it, teacher. It embraces you.” – Tyrak to Lekila
Tu, doar tu, exiști | You, You Only, Exist
You, you only, exist. We pass away, till at last, our passing is so immense that you arise: beautiful moment, in all your suddenness, arising in love, or enchanted in the contraction of work. To you I belong, however time may wear me away. From you to you I go commanded. In between the garland…
Wait for me
“Nothing happens when you sit at home. I always make it a point to carry a camera with me at all times. I just shoot at what interests me at that moment.” – Elliott Erwitt
Într-o bună zi, voi povesti totul lumii întregi
— Vreau să fiu singur cu tine, zicea el. Într-o bună zi voi povesti totul lumii întregi şi vom isprăvi cu ascunzişurile. Ea nu încercă să-l liniştească. — Ar fi bine, îi răspunse. Odată singuri, vom lăsa lampa aprinsă pentru a ne putea vedea mai bine, şi voi putea striga tot ce doresc fără ca…