All the best memories are hers II

  Younger than you’d expect given all this is hers, 30s. But so very obviously so very bright you never question why. A stratospheric IQ with eyes that do not hide it. Conspicuously lovely for a human not offworld. She sits on the balls of her barefoot feet in the center of the forest simulation.…

Interlinked (or Of Men and Machines)

The Baseline Test in „Blade Runner 2049” is based off the book „Pale Fire” by Vladimir Nabokov. In Pale Fire, the fictional poet John Shade sees a tall white fountain during a near-death experience – the image’s presence would always console him. Later Shade reads about a woman in a magazine who came close to…

What means to be Human?

What makes us human? Is it our capacity to contemplate and question our existence? To ask complex questions like, e.g., „do tears freeze in rain?” – and to seek complex answers? Or our capacity to comprehend our own mortality, to instantly recognize that someday each and everyone will perish? If your answer is all of…