Tortura tăcerii (I) | The Torture of Silence (I)
“Silence does not suffocate. Listen to it, teacher. It embraces you.” – Tyrak to Lekila
“Silence does not suffocate. Listen to it, teacher. It embraces you.” – Tyrak to Lekila
Think about the photo before and after, never during. The secret is to take your time. You mustn’t go too fast. The subject must forget about you. Then, however, you must be very quick. – Henri Cartier-Bresson
What did you dream? It’s alright, we told you what to dream. You dreamed of a big star, He played a mean guitar, He always ate in the Steak Bar. He loved to drive in his Jaguar. So welcome to the Machine.
You, you only, exist. We pass away, till at last, our passing is so immense that you arise: beautiful moment, in all your suddenness, arising in love, or enchanted in the contraction of work. To you I belong, however time may wear me away. From you to you I go commanded. In between the garland…
Maramureș, mai 2013 The most important attribute a photographer can have is enthusiasm – Arnold Drapkin
Ground Control to Major Tom Ground Control to Major Tom Take your protein pills and put your helmet on Ground Control to Major Tom Commencing countdown, engines on Check ignition and may God’s love be with you [spoken] Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Liftoff This is Ground Control to…
“It’s one thing to make a picture of what a person looks like, it’s another thing to make a portrait of who they are.” – Paul Caponigro
San Marc sinistru miezul nopţii bate. Cu glas adânc, cu graiul de Sibile, Rosteşte lin în clipe cadenţate: “Nu-nvie morţii – e-n zadar, copile!” Veneţia este un oraş pe unde trec zeci de mii, sute de mii de vizitatori în fiecare an. Au fost tipărite de-a lungul secolelor mii de cărţi care descriu istoria,…