Photographer breaking anti-smoking regulations
Munnar, Kerala state, SW India, 01 feb 2016
Munnar, Kerala state, SW India, 01 feb 2016
“I was scared to do anything in the studio because it felt so claustrophobic. I wanted to be somewhere where things could happen and the subject wasn’t just looking back at you.” – Annie Leibovitz
“Dr. Y. Hiraiwa, professor of Hiroshima University of Literature and Science, and one of my church members, was buried by the bomb under the two storied house with his son, a student of Tokyo University. Both of them could not move an inch under tremendously heavy pressure. And the house already caught fire. His son…
Romanian Black Sea coast, summer 2007
Havelock island Andaman and Nicobar special administration area, India January 26th, 2015 Samsung Galaxy S4
Tot universul nostru era albastru şi gol iar noi retraşi în bulgărul numit pământ viaţă eram deasupra şi la subsol murind, murmurând. Viii şi morţii viilor unii într-alţii şi unii peste alţii… Tot universul nostru era albastru şi gol. Locul pe care-l ocupam, cei vii şi cei morţi repede se ghicea sau domol…