
“A personal style is the translation of your vision into an actual work of art, into a photograph in this instance. It is the translation of your ideas into something that others can see, something that you can share with your audience, something that represents the closest rendition of your vision that you are capable…

Tăcerea clipei

O pasăre din mine se ridică Zbătându-se la uşa coliviei În care am supus-o agoniei De-a mă veghea, să nu-mi mai fie frică. Doar pentru mine, dând frâu larg magiei, Am vrut să-mi cânte cu făptura-i mică Îngenunchiat pe firul de arnică Să aţipesc la pragul veşniciei. Desfigurată îmi rânjeşte soarta! Ce frig mai e…

The House of a Thousand Floors IV

And opposite her, a man with a red forked goatee sits over a rickety table covered with small boxes. Surrounded by several gawkers, he shouts: Buy dreams! Guaranteed quality goods! They last a whole night! Dreams about gold! Become a millionaire for one night! Buy my “Gold Dream”! Protected trademark! A single AGA pill before…