“Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu’avec le coeur. L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.”

(Saint-Exupéry – Le Petit Prince)

Bogdan Stanciu is a Romanian photographer & a member of the Royal Photographic Society (UK).

About ~ the rebellious act of B&W
His photo muse is a monochromatic one. While color is “explaining”, monochrome means “leaving to interpretation”. Moreover, in most cases, color is not only futile in helping viewers achieve the essence of the image, but it also distracts attention. Bogdan feels the need to essentialize, to simplify the scene and also to distance the image from its immediate connection to reality. He thinks grey tones ideally fulfill both needs.

Long story short, that’s why he constantly prefers the mistery and mysticism of monochrome to the naked color gamut.

Photo habits
Bogdan is attracted mainly by people & street photography. He needs humans, or at least tangible traces of their presence in order to activate his photo-sense. He always looks for the extraordinary in the ordinary people or scenes. Everyone is interesting; everyone has got some story – for good or evil – to tell. Everyone has own worth. Very rare does he shoot studio or any other “staged” genre of photography (macros etc). Also nature/wildlife/landscape photography is not of his main interest.

His gear: Bogdan operates a Canon EOS 6D and prime lenses (24/35/50/200) exclusively, due to their “engaging” nature.

A hobbyist that never grew up
Although a licensed photographer, Bogdan works mostly not for financial rewards, but for his own spiritual accomplishment.


e-mail: bogdan AT noptialbe.net
phone (+40) 722 190 685
Twitter: @whitenights_ro


His place in this world
Bogdan lives and works in Bucharest, Romania as a father, a husband of 20 years and an Eastern-Orthodox christian.
Founder of the pro-life charity PRO VITA; the charity for deaf and hard-of-hearing children Darul Sunetului (The Gift of Sound) and the local chapter of the Tolkien Society.
Founder & editor of the conservative blog Cultura Vieții (Culture of Life).
Father of Sofia (a hearing impaired person) and Andrei.
Favorite photographers: Henri Cartier Bresson, Sebastiao Salgado, Bill Brandt, Edward Steichen, Harry Callahan.
Favorite cinematographers: Ingmar Bergman, Roger Deakins, Hoyt van Hoytema.

His favourite quotations
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Romans 12:2)
“Drinking beer is easy. Trashing your hotel room is easy. But being a Christian, that’s a tough call. That’s real rebellion!” (Alice Cooper)
“Put your faith in God and keep your gunpowder dry.” (Oliver Cromwell)
“Nicăieri şi niciodată nu ne-a cerut Hristos să fim proşti. Ne cheamă să fim buni, blânzi, cinstiţi, smeriţi cu inima, dar nu tâmpiţi.” (N. Steinhardt)

Grupul fotografic In Focus

Înființat în 2007, IN FOCUS este un grup de fotografi și artiști vizuali din România, format din Florin Constantinescu, Bogdan Stanciu, Oana Nasta, Alina Niculescu, Simona Andrei și Monica Sultan.

In Focus înseamnă prietenie, înseamnă poveşti despre spectacolul lumii, înseamnă gânduri şi sentimente cuprinse într-un experiment vizual complex.



“Photography is not real at all. It is an illusion of reality with which we create our own private world.”

(Arnold Newman)