Parinti de ingeri 06Remember, O man, that you are dust, and unto dust you shall return. — Genesis 3:19

2010 annual meeting in Bucharest, Romania of “Parents of Angels” (parents who lost a child) organized by E.M.M.A. Association – E.M.M.A. is a volunteer based non-profit organization providing crisis support and long term aid to families after the death of a child from any cause, after as well as before birth. E.M.M.A’s founder, Ms. Bianca Brad, is a former Miss Romania.

Cam aşa a arătat Ziua Părinţilor de Îngeri 2010, eveniment organizat de Asociaţia E.M.M.A., condusă de d-na Bianca Brad. Pentru al treilea an, evenimentul a fost găzduit de stadionul Iolanda Balaş din Bucureşti. Detalii la